Sunday, August 21, 2011

The beginning of year 3

Tomorrow is the first day of my Junior year. I seriously do not feel old enough to be a Junior but whatever, I'll take it! I'm a little on edge for this week, only because my books still have not come in. After a year and a half of  buying books that could no longer be sold (because we must create a new edition of every book I buy:) I am now a solid fan of renting textbooks. Why? One reason: It's cheaper and I'm not left with a bookshelf of textbooks I'm never going to look at any more. Anywho I hope I get the rest of my books this week. I get a mild case of anxiety if I'm not prepared.
Thursday and Friday I went to Flight School. Since I'm a transfer student I got to do orientation all over again.. It wasn't too bad. I'll do anything for free food and T-shirts. Friday night my good friend Emily with two of her friends stayed the night. They are on their way to BYU from Florida! Emily was really my only good LDS friend in Florida. It was really good to reminisce about Bradenton and the old ward. I'm really happy she's out here in Utah!  Joe also moved into his apartment with all the boys this weekend. I got to help put glowy stars on his ceiling :) OH! Joe also got a job as an orthodontic assistant/tec and Dr. Wilsons... which is very exciting for him. I am still on the fervent job hunt. I'm hopeful about  a mentor job on campus and I should know whether or not I got it by the end of this week. I really need a job.... really. I'm excited for this week. There are a lot of fun activities on campus that should be super. All my classes are looking good too. Human Biology looks like my dreaded class for the semester. I'm most excited for Sports and Exercise Biomechanics... it just seems so interesting! But I guess we'll see :)
Since every post must have a picture... here is one of this ongoing project I started not too long ago. When I have my own house I think it would be both hilarious and unique to have the guest bathroom filled with pictures you honestly can't help but giggle a little when you see it (I seem to have a motive of funny kids pictures too :) So here are a few that I've pulled..
This may be too much, but I think it's hilarious! Pinned here

This was taken by a local photographer by the name of CheapShots! Photography. 
I'll feel really bad if the relative of this baby ever finds this. Every time I see this picture I cannot keep a straight face. I think it is perfect for the bathroom!

Love the expression Pinned Here

This is just bathroom related, but so cute!Pinned Here

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